Top NYC Plant Influencers That Will Inspire Your Urban Jungle

Social media gives us daily advice and suggestions. I’ve gotten the majority of my recipes from TikTok and of course outfit and craft inspiration from Pinterest. Instagram is the platform where aesthetics thrive, and just one picture can offer so many ideas! That is why we are sharing a list of some of the top […]

(Almost) Unkillable Houseplants

These are the most low maintenance plants. Get the look with out all the work! Sanseveria Snake Plant  ☀️ These snakes love the heat! Place them in a bright area with indirect light. 💦 For this plant, a 1/4 cup of water every few weeks at most would is ideal. Double check that the soil is […]

Here’s a List of Non-Toxic Flowers That May Be Safe for Your Furry Friend

Featured Author: The Bouqs co. Disclaimer: This information does not take the place of professional veterinary advice. Different animals have varying tolerances to all substances, including flowers. Please refer to this information from the ASPCA to learn more. Here’s a List of Non-Toxic Flowers That May Be Safe for Your Furry Friend If you’re like […]