As the summer heat gives way to fall, it is time for our fellow plant lovers to bring those gardens indoors. No, this does not mean running outside and bringing everything in all at once!
If you are new to gardening or house plants, then there may be a few items you’ll want to invest in first, to ensure a safe and stress-free transition for your precious plant babies.
Pest Control
We have to start with the first and most important topic when transitioning those gardens indoors; pest control. If you are plant-obsessed with hundreds of plants like me,

there are two products you will want to invest in.
First is ,Bonide Insect Control Granules which is great for killing any insects that
have gotten into the soil. At least a month before transition, start with sprinkling the granules into the topsoil of anything you plan to bring inside.
Then about a week before their transition indoors, spray all of your plant containers, pots, and in some cases even the soil with ,Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer. These two products are great to ensure a bug-free home.

Now just because our tropical plants summer vacation has come to an end, doesn’t mean their love for humidity should. Which is why I highly recommend investing in this 1.47 gallon ,HoMedics Humidifier.
Now I say investment because yes, it is on the steeper side coming in at $119.95 but I can personally say it is worth it. The size of this tank allows up to 70 hours of run time and brings the perfect amount of moisture to any room of 400-500 sqft.
Although, just because you have a humidifier, doesn’t
mean you can skip watering days. If you need help remembering to pick up that watering can, download our ,Smart Plant & Tree Care App to set up your personal watering calendar.
Garden Tools
Next up on our list of “must haves” is the perfect ,Indoor Gardening Pad. If you live in the gloomy, wet, and cold Pacific Northwest like myself, transplanting outdoors is not an option October-March. This pad is perfect for mixing soils, repotting new or old plants, and even comes with an 11 piece set of mini hand gardening tools that are perfect for any at home project. These tools were a nice surprise when I placed my order and turned out to be my favorite part.
Grow Lights
Last, I want to share with you my favorite ,LED Grow Lights. These are an absolute must have when it comes to any indoor garden to substitute natural light while stimulating photosynthesis. These specific grow lights come with a sturdy clip that allows you to attach them to any side table, shelf, or window sill and even adjust their angles. They bring light to any dark room for 8-10 hours daily and even include a self timer option because the less work the better, am I right?

By investing in these five products I can ensure your plants a safe, healthy and happy transition to the cold months to come.